There's no going back...


Well-known member
Have you ever happened upon a product that you liked as a young kid/adult and said what they heck, for old time sake I remember being fond of this? Today's tragedy is Open Pit BBQ sauce. Not only is the taste not there - I can see my plate through the drops of sauce that are on my plate because the sauce is so thin. I know it was never great, just like Boone's Farm and Little Caesar's never were great either. Should have just stuck with the memories.
What else have you guys gone back to that has disappointed? Even better, is there anything you gone back to that is just as good today as it was back then?
I think I will sit back and wait for responses, especially for the second question. Popcorn?
I think I will sit back and wait for responses, especially for the second question. Popcorn?

My gosh I didn’t remember the redeeming factor of cheap booze the next day at the time. I’ll be darned if my mind had changed decades later! But no, nothing is a good as it once was just because we don’t make things like we once did. Related to that, there are studies that one tends to forget the negative aspects of anything over time and embellish the positive things. Relationships, food, you name it, nope! So even if your (fill in the blank) appears to taste the same today, odds are it actually does not.
They did shutdown, then someone else bought the rights to make them. After I read that I remembered how much I liked em as a kid so I went out and bought a pack. They were/are a lot different, they changed, I changed, or both. Either way, they sucked. I only tried them the once, maybe they’ve improved, but I doubt it. And yes, you can still buy them.

How about any type of snack with salt on it? I used to love wheat thins, no more, what happened to the salt?
Not something that tastes different but something that's gone. The old fashioned mustard pretzels. Now all I can find is honey mustard or mustard and onion pretzels.

Steak ums used to be really good growing up, now I can barely eat them.
OK, something that I don’t think has changed over the years; King Oscar Sardines and King Oscar Kipper Snacks (Kippered Herring). They’ve been around a long time and I still enjoy both on toasted baguette slices. YMMV
I’ve never had King Oscar sardines until recently, but I’m now a fan! Pinhais sardines are stellar also, but at $11 a can on Amazon they are pricey!
Taco Bell…used to love it. Now on the rare occasion I eat it I start to question my judgement. I’m sure the quality has gone downhill like many, many other products from years ago. But man, it used to hit just right.
Haven't made it yet - but soon:
Sardine Toast
Fennel seeds, chili flakes, olive oil, sardines
Toast on bread in pan (I'll use the bottom half of a boule)
Move to broiler for a few minutes
Slice like pizza
Finish with lemon

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